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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Dog breed selector results

top dog
Labrador Retriever 99% match
The Labrador is a moderate dog, not extreme in any way. It is square or slightly longer than tall, of fairly large bone and substance. Its broad head and strong jaws should enable it to carry the largest game birds, such as Canada geese. Its heavy body set and strong legs enable it to swim and run powerfully. Its coat, which is short, straight and dense with a soft undercoat, is weatherproof and helps to protect it from icy waters. The Lab is a working retriever and should possess style without over refinement and substance without clumsiness. Learn more!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Feeling Invisible

I been feeling invisible all day today.  It is like I am briefly visible then become completely invisible for the rest of the time.  Sometimes I feel like if I was gone nobody would even notice or even if they did it be very brief then go on like I was never there.   Sorry I am in just one of those moods tonight.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Laptop problems

Wednesday I started having issues with my laptop not finding my hard drive. After talking with a friend who knows alot about computers said most likely the hard drive is shot and a new one cost anywhere around $60 or more with the 60 being from eBay so that price will vanish quickly. Unfortunately for me I don't have that kind of money and no money coming in anytime soon. I'm glad I have this 2nd generation iPod touch so I have some access to the Internet.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Strange headspace

I am here in bed contemplating which can be dangerous. You think I am joking but I am serious I can be harsh on myself at times. I have really been in the weird headspace lately were I don't feel like reaching out to others even though it do me a world of good. Tonight as I lay here in bed I think how it seems like I am everyones last resort person. You know the person people go to when no one else is available and if someone else became available they drop you quicker than a speeding bullet replace you with a more preferred choice. I seem to be everyone's last resort no matter it be friends or even family. I become their favorite person until whoever they are on the outs with comes back around then I get balled up and thrown into the trash can until the cycle repeats.

Monday, April 2, 2012


I been working on a story that is in the gay erotic Romance genre.  I am starting a new chapter but I am finding it difficult. This chapter will have some strong emotions maybe some scary things in it so I am slow to start it.