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Monday, August 29, 2011

Had a experience at the library today saw a guy there with the cutest hat I felt this feeling this pull (not sexual I swear though he was good-looking) it was like I knew him some how didn't say anything cause I value my life but it was just something that doesn't happen to me very often so I am savoring it

Sunday, August 28, 2011

I can have the worst luck sometimes. Now for example I had decide to go to bed cause there wasn't anything on I felt like watching on tv. I laid in bed and felt like I wanted to talk to someone so I grab my iPod next to my bed and signed in to yahoo messenger and see my friend Angie is still on but as went to IM her she logged of guess I just have rotten timing I guess.
had an amazing thing happen a baby squirrel had fallen from its nest on top of a florescent light on my back porch I was careful not to touch it I just walked around it and a few moments ago its parent came grabbed it up and returned it to the nest it was so cool

Saturday, August 27, 2011

You know what urks me is dog breeder sites that don't list their prices whether or not they have any available and don't say if the will ship or not. Now I am not looking to get a dog anytime soon but I like to plan for the day I decide to get one and can afford it.

Hurrucane Irene

not much damaged around the yard neighbors had a tree fall and we had power go out for a while but all is well now
You know it is funny. My friend Angie has been helping me with my story when I feel stuck but she is pushing to rush things cause I can see there being a series of books and idea what they will center around but she is already pushing for signs they want kids and have them see fathering instincts and wants them to marry like right away which is way to soon those things are planned just not for this book lol but it will all come together in the end I think

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

East Coast Earthquake

We just had an earthquake here. It was unnerving to say the least. I was in the kitchen/dinning room when it happened. The entire house shook plates were rattling. While it was happening I was like why are the plates rattling why the house shaking. When it was over my first thought was it was an earthquake and I IMed my friend Angie then turned on the TV and they were reporting a 5.9 quake had happened. I messaged my friend Thomas to see if he felt it in Georgia or not. It is just so unreal.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

I am sitting here working on my story and had a friend help me when I was stuck and hadn't IMed her in awhile and I had a thought and wanted to share it with her and was about to IM when I realized the time and she was probably sleeping so there wasn't really a point because she wouldn't respond and she is the only one who has read everything so far. I had attempted to get a beta reader but didn't get that many bites most who responded English wasn't their first language. The one good responder that was just what I needed I e-mailed her back and never heard back from her. Anywho thought I would share what was on my brain well except the part of the story but that is because none of you have read it and I am not sure about posting the story in the blog.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Watching "The Adventures of Priscilla Queen"

It reminds me how I wish I had the money and know how to do drag. There are times I see a dress and can not help but think that I would love to have it to wear. Finding wigs, dresses, shoes and things needed is easier then make-up when it comes to finding the right foundation for ones skin tone because in the South cannot just go up to a make-up counter and ask well probably could but I don't think I would ever have the guts to do it by myself.
Working on chapter 3 of the story I am writing planning to have something going on two places at the same time and I am not sure how to write it yet though

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Just finished watching "Brothers & Sisters" last episode. I started watching on Friday then stayed awake Saturday and Sunday and watched up to season four then Tuesday found season 5 was on huluplus so used the 1 week free trial to watch the last season. Now I am really down cause the characters became like dear friends and now that I have watched the last episode I will never see them again never know how they are getting along, what they are up to, or if they are ok.
I know this may sound like crazy talk and who knows maybe it is but some show even some movies I just get so involved I start caring for the characters so after it has ended it is like I lost a friend or something.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

You ever watching some movie about romance or singing to some one and a song you listen and think some day someone might sing it to you or if a duet comes to mind sing or attempt to sing it with. For me it is "All I ask of you" from Phantom of the Opera with my part being Christine's part

Yea I am in one of those sappy moods tonight been watching to much of Bothers & Sisters on Netflix I think lol

Monday, August 8, 2011

I have had some insights today like Horror movies or movies that claim to be horror any way like things like people getting dismembered chopped at with an axe ripped apart with bare hands even a needle jabbed in their eye doesn't seem to faze me for whatever reason whatever happened to the days a movie could scare you like you knew it would give you a little jolt at least once or twice at least.
You know how it seem like when you want to talk to people you find they actually have a life so they cannot always talk when you feel the need to world is crazy like that I guess LoL

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Just finished watching VH1 Behind the Music with Adam Lambert. I liked it I really did hearing about him, his life, seeing Pics of him and all but it also depressed me some but it not Adam's fault it is mine. I see how he is about him being gay being out and being able to feel to express himself. I wish I was able to do that and the way things are for me right now I do not see it changing cause for me to feel like I could certain things would have to be in place. I would have to be financially independent, a place of my own, and a close support system in place now by close I mean driving distance where if things don't go well and need to not be by myself I could go and stay with a couple of days if need be.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Xbox 360 Kinect VS Playstation Move


When I looked into these two because I have been thinking If I had the money which would be better from videos the Move is basically an upgrade version of Wii with the use of the wand controllers you need to use the move where as with the Kinect your entire body and your voice is the controller. That can also be against the Kinect because no physical controller means no buttons to push to do things in a game where as the Move has a physical controller so has extra buttons that could be used.
The disadvantage of both Kinect and Move is space required to be between the sensor and you so if you can not be 6 to 10 feet away there is no way to really use either of them.
Lets say you have the money and the space to get either the Xbox 360 Kinect or the Playstation Move the only real question is how do you see yourself actually using what you get. Like me I see using the exercise type games so for that the Kinect that keeps track of your entire body appeals to me cause it can help you with the position your body should be in to do it correctly Verses the Move that can only guess based on where the controller is located. So given that if I ever had the money and space I would choose Kinect over the Move and wait to get the move at a latter time if there was a Move only game I really wanted to play and would keep.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

What is the name of this wind instrument?

I am looking for the instruments name cause I hope to one day learn to play it I love how it sounds

the video and music is from "Tim Janis' Beautiful America" no copyright infringement is intended. I am just looking to identify the beautiful wind instrument that is being played. Once the instrument is correctly identified I plan to remove this video

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

You know after watching a movie like that I just feel like talking but most I know are asleep right now It is times like this if I had only one wish it would be for a guy who loves every part of me the good and the bad love doing things and cuddling with me in our bed always being there for me when I need him.
Some might say you would waste a wish like that you wouldn't wish to be rich or something. I would have to give a Hell Yea!!! Lol

Love this movie made me laugh and cry I really enjoyed it
just heard from my friend and she likes chapter 2 so that is good