I finished my book and have submited it for publication. I am so nervous not only because I think what if they hate it but what if they actually publish it. It is strange I know. Now I want to hear back but then again not at the same time. lol
I was watching "My Cat from Hell" on animal planet and it got me thinking. Cats seem to get away with things a dog never would. On this show some of the cat bite scratch, steal food, and pee where the shouldn't just to name a few. You know if a dog did those things they most likely be out the door in no time. So what so different about a cat that we let them get away with murder?
I love this movie. If I was ever to do Drag I would want the style of Vida. Vida's style is so elegant so fabulous. I also love the car in this movie a 1967 Cadillac DeVille.
I have been thinking about getting a cat instead of a dog after my cat Jellybean passes away and my money sitation improves. I used the Cat Breed Selector on the animal planet website. I then looked at the top results and what look like the best one was at number 1 was the Exotic Shorthair.
I have always felt that many Christians put God in a small box. You might
ask what do you mean. Well they have set in their mind who God is, that they
know what his word means, and that they are right & anyone who disagrees is
So brings me to the subject/title of this post. I have always found nature
religions like Wicca because they connect to nature/universe that God created. This
is why I am always looking into it and think of how to practice it to some
extent as a way to be closer to God.
I have most likely written about this before but it seems a majority of the "Horror" movies that are put out in mass on the straight to DVD market usually have one thing appear in their film. I am not talking about blood, guts, gore, not even a sudden scare from nowhere. What I am talking about bare boobs, knockers, ta-tas, funbags, headlights, floatation devices or more commonly breasts. They are the goto thing when they don't have crap to show and they know it will distract the straight men and possibly the lesbian crowed. Now disrespect to lesbians I just dont want to make a unfair judgment because I don't have any lesbian friends or been around any (as far as I know) to know for sure. Anywho back to what I was saying there is far to much boobage in these movies. I just thing if naked women are ok to show then they should throw at the very least bare chested men, a guys bare ass, and maybe completely naked and because the world is most likely not ready to see a penis no mater what state it is from the range of completely flaccid to erect so then have it creatively covered in some way.
I just wish these Horror flicks would show less boobage, more hot naked in some way guys, and/or put more time into sudden scares causing the audience to jump.
Well got the difficult part written on chapter five well difficult because of what had to happen. Now just need to right the aftermath. The transition will be hard because I don't want it to be to abrupt or to sudden.
They did try to do a series but it bombed. I think it was due a little to casting and alot of continuity issues. They need to make it so those who loved the mini-series could easly guess who someone is or be like "oh ok yea I can see that" unfortunatly in my opinion they Failed and doomed the series.
100 pounds overweight, loaded up on steroids and suffering from a debilitating autoimmune disease, Joe Cross is at the end of his rope and the end of his hope. In the mirror he saw a 310lb man whose gut was bigger than a beach ball and a path laid out before him that wouldn't end well— with one foot already in the grave, the other wasn't far behind. FAT, SICK & NEARLY DEAD is an inspiring film that chronicles Joe's personal mission to regain his health.
With doctors and conventional medicines unable to help long- term, Joe turns to the only option left, the body's ability to heal itself. He trades in the junk food and hits the road with juicer and generator in tow, vowing only to drink fresh fruit and vegetable juice for the next 60 days. Across 3,000 miles Joe has one goal in mind: To get off his pills and achieve a balanced lifestyle.
While talking to more than 500 Americans about food, health and longevity, it's at a truck stop in Arizona where Joe meets a truck driver who suffers from the same rare condition. Phil Staples is morbidly obese weighing in at 429 lbs; a cheeseburger away from a heart-attack. As Joe is recovering his health, Phil begins his own epic journey to get well.
What emerges is nothing short of amazing – an inspiring tale of healing and human connection.
Part road trip, part self-help manifesto, FAT, SICK & NEARLY DEAD defies the traditional documentary format to present an unconventional and uplifting story of two men from different worlds who each realize that the only person who can save them is themselves.
I woke up this morning to mail delivery failures in my Inbox. I found it odd because I knew I had not sent any e-mail in a long time. When I looked at what the faild message was I knew I had been hacked so I changed my password and hope that will take care of it.
I been working on a story for a while and I have come to a halt on chapter 5. I know what is going to happen just putting it on paper in detail is difficult because it will be scary and/or high in emotion. It will be on the traumatic side. I know I have to write it but it wont be easy.
I had been thinking lately about the space where the dog would spend the majority of their indoor time and realized that it be a little cramped for a Labrador Retriever. I re-took the Dog Breed Selector on the Animal Planet website looking at the smaller size dogs. The Top Dog was the Miniature Pinschera 93% match but I eliminated it when I read that it can be scrappy with other dogs and may chase small animals I knew it was not for me. There were 5 runners-up and I eliminated 4 that need a lot of grooming.
The winner is the Chihuahua a 92% match
The Chihuahua is graceful, small and compact; it is slightly longer than
it is tall. It has a saucy expression and an alert, terrier-like
attitude. It should move out at a swift pace with good reach and drive.
Its coat can be smooth, with soft, glossy hair or long, with soft
straight or wavy hair and fringed ears. Learn more!
You I always like to window shop as they say for things I want but can not afford. Today it was all about redoing my bedroom where I spend most of my day. It is more then just a bedroom it is a study/living area/game room/bedroom. Anywho currently there is a big built in desk that takes up an entire wall of my room which I do not like. If I ripped it out I would need a corner entertainment center, book shelves and a desk. Now desks every desk seems to be made to accommodate a computer and it is hard to find a what is now an outdated desk. I want drawers on at least one side and a drawer in the middle. These desk do no exist anymore it seems unless you can spend a thousand or more. I also thought an L shaped desk might be to give me more top space for multitasking or just multiple things going on. It is funny how technology which is suppose to make life easier would make what you want to find be more difficult.
Watching Julie & Julia movie. I love it why probably because it involves yummy food, cooking, and blogging. I think it be cool to find something to blog like she did but all ideas I come up with involve the one thing I do not have "money". One idea was if I was able to get and take care of a puppy. I could blog about researching about dog care & breed, the search for a breeder, bringing the dog home, first vet visits, housebreaking, training, and so on.
While most people want to put their Vinyl records to CD or digital media I want to go the opposite direction. I want to go from Digital Media to Vinyl Records. I like the look and sound of Vinyl and even Reel-to-Reel. I sometimes I was born in the wrong time period because I like things like Vinyl out dated things by today's standards. I know if there is a was to go from Digital/CD to a Vinyl record it most likely is expensive to do.
Labrador Retriever99% match
The Labrador is a moderate dog, not extreme in any way. It is
square or slightly longer than tall, of fairly large bone and substance.
Its broad head and strong jaws should enable it to carry the largest
game birds, such as Canada geese. Its heavy body set and strong legs
enable it to swim and run powerfully. Its coat, which is short, straight
and dense with a soft undercoat, is weatherproof and helps to protect
it from icy waters. The Lab is a working retriever and should possess
style without over refinement and substance without clumsiness. Learn more!
I been feeling invisible all day today. It is like I am briefly visible then become completely invisible for the rest of the time. Sometimes I feel like if I was gone nobody would even notice or even if they did it be very brief then go on like I was never there. Sorry I am in just one of those moods tonight.
Wednesday I started having issues with my laptop not finding my hard drive. After talking with a friend who knows alot about computers said most likely the hard drive is shot and a new one cost anywhere around $60 or more with the 60 being from eBay so that price will vanish quickly. Unfortunately for me I don't have that kind of money and no money coming in anytime soon. I'm glad I have this 2nd generation iPod touch so I have some access to the Internet.
I am here in bed contemplating which can be dangerous. You think I am joking but I am serious I can be harsh on myself at times. I have really been in the weird headspace lately were I don't feel like reaching out to others even though it do me a world of good. Tonight as I lay here in bed I think how it seems like I am everyones last resort person. You know the person people go to when no one else is available and if someone else became available they drop you quicker than a speeding bullet replace you with a more preferred choice. I seem to be everyone's last resort no matter it be friends or even family. I become their favorite person until whoever they are on the outs with comes back around then I get balled up and thrown into the trash can until the cycle repeats.
I been working on a story that is in the gay erotic Romance genre. I am starting a new chapter but I am finding it difficult. This chapter will have some strong emotions maybe some scary things in it so I am slow to start it.
I am a big fan of Mass Effect games because it is choice driven. That being said I was shocked that Mass Effect 3's end that no mater what choice you made the outcome was basically the same. That no matter the choice Shepard dies. Also the Cinematic after the fake choice there was no closure with the characters you become attached to and there is no clear choice that has only the Reapers destroyed and the Mass Relays are still fully functional. There needs to be a way where Shepard survives and has only the Reapers destroyed and the Mass Relays are still fully functional. Then a Cinematic with friends reuniting and if Shepard had a love interest a scene or to with them reuniting and celebrating.
The apparent destruction of the Citadel is a potential problem in the Story. The Citadel is part of the catalyst and in Scientific terms catalyst is something that causesactivitybetweentwo or more forces without itself being affected.
Wednesdays at church, we have been talking about the reason for God. With questions like why God allows suffering in the world and allow evil. I look at it all like this. Science and Religion have battled many times throughout recorded history mostly because religious figures feel there authority threatened by the knowledge science brings. I think science reveals God's awesomeness. Every branch of science that I can think of shows us His work and how thing did not come together by accident or by chance.
When it comes to creation vs. evolution, I do not think they clash at all. Every evolution theories about how it all started need the existence of God to work. For an example the Big Bang theory (not the TV show) the Universe was once in an extremely hot and dense state that expanded rapidly. Let us assume this is true where the hot dense universe came from. I believe this is how it all started that God started the big bang setting His plan into motion. Genius says the world was created in just 6 days with God resting on the seventh. How long is a day for God? 24 of our hours or billions of our years? Is the story in Genius just to help us to be able to even grasp what God did to bring the universe or just planet Earth into being?
With all that said it brings me to why there is evil and suffering. God gave us free will. God did not create "evil" it is the decisions of us the created. Suffering can be due to people’s choices or the choices of others that affect others.
Now why does God allow it if his loves use and is all-powerful? Well, God put a system in place that depend on one thing God is never wrong, God's word is a law, and there is no a loopholes. It is like in the movie Dogma even though it is meant to be funny and not to be taken seriously I think it sparked a thought. They makers of the movie hit on a truth maybe by accident. In the movie, two angels that God decreed for their punishment had to live on earth until the end of time and then have to sit outside heaven’s gate for eternity. In this movie, these angels found a loophole created by the Catholic Church at a re-dedication of a century-old church. With a Papal sanction, anybody who enters the church on the day of the re-dedication ceremony will have all their sins forgiven, and be given a morally clean slate. Well these two angels make the journey to a church where before entering they clip their wings off becoming human, enter the church, come out clean, and die and go to heaven. There by negating God's decree and in so doing all creation is winked out of existence.
All that said the reason God would allow suffering is because of rules He set in place at creation at to step in would throw the system out of wack or fall apart in some way. God did give us a way out by sending His Son to us and allowing Him to suffer and let us kill him because he loved us that much.
God created the universe and set it all up with the desired outcome when it is all said and done.
I really like the game and the challenges it presented. It was a great end for the trilogy of games except Shepard dies at the end no matter which option you choose at the end . I also like that the added the possibility for a gay romance for the male Shepard (which made the giddy as a school girl grinning from ear to ear with happines) plus had a new character that was gay and unfortunately lost his Husband. Liara who was my romance from Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 for Kaiden who I myself was crushing on in ME1 and his brief appearance in ME2. Liara did have a bitchy one liner after I went with Kaiden. I also liked how they did the sex scene and then comes back to us asleep with them on their side and Kaiden's arm draped over Shepard and when Shepard woke from another disturbing dream Kaiden woke and ask what was up. Before the final series of battles at a base the resistance just set up Kaiden and Shepard have a moment and the they kiss. That was so sweet. Over all a really good game and if in ME2 everyone survived the final mission you will see them again in ME3.
Every time I hear about a Marriage amendment to a states constitution or to the US Constitution that seeks to define marriage as between one man and one woman it baffles me that anyone would be for it. While some people believe that marriage is between one man and one woman that is their right.
Let us look at the reason for the states constitutions, the US Constitution, and their amendments. In the USA the constitution and every amendment has had one main purpose. That purpose is to give and protect the rights of minority from being overridden or made second-class citizens by the majority
Now with that in mind re-examine marriage amendments and tell me how it does what our states constitutions, the US Constitution, and their amendments were meant to do.
I think you will find that these proposed Marriage Amendments do not do what states constitutions, the US Constitution, and their amendments were meant to that in fact they would do the exact opposite.
I was flipping through the Horror section looking for a good one I might like. I realized something about most Horror/Scary movies. They usually center on a young innocent as the driven snow girl or something close to it. One of two things will happen to her. Either she will end up being the sole survivor or she will die just before the credits roll. I guess it comes down to the core audience which is straight guys who like watching these girls go through and watch the movie hopping she will flash her tities at some point in the film. I cannot say I am any better when there are some cute guys that I don’t hope for a bare butt scene with them even if they have to be doing a girl in order for it to happen. Just wish more films would center around a guy more often then they seem to now.
I like scary movies some of my favorite kinds are these first person one like The Amityville Haunting, Death on Demand, Grave Encounters, Death of a Ghost Hunter, 8213: Gacy House, and movies like Paranormal Activity. I like a good scare but if I think what is in a horror movie can actually happen then I tend to avoid those movies. The movie that comes to mind is the movie Scream. The first and only time I watched it was alone at night. I think that was the big mistake for me. Scenes from it kept coming to mind. You might not believe me what happened that night as I tried to sleep. I put a guardian angel picture next to where I was attempting to sleep and I was alone. I was praying for the images to go away and I felt someone messing with my hair in a way that a loved one would to calm you. So who or what it was I will leave for you to decide for yourself.
You know there have been things that have been recurring thoughts in my mind.
I have enjoyed doing this blog but you don’t know if anyone really reads it unlike something like YouTube that shows views and stuff that so you know that someone has seen it.
I seem cursed with the stand on the outside looking in syndrome.What I mean is that even among people I like and am friends with there are times I feel on the outside or left out.It is not their fault and I do not think it is on purpose it just happens.I at times envy how close some people are when they talk about how the always do this or that do together and I just think why I can’t have someone who is like that with me, but I know not much happens to me and I am probably boring to talk with.I guess I long for someone who feels close enough that they can tell me anything things they wouldn’t tell everyone and trust that I won’t go blabbing.
Privet messaging can be a blessing and a curse.It is a blessing in that you can talk to someone without it in main chat. It can be a curse when you feel that people are talking in PM and you wonder what are they talking about, why can’t it be in main chat, and what do they not want me to hear or be a part of.
Anywho these are just a few things going through my brain.
You know I always hope that one day I could be out to everyone even my family. I am basically out to friends and some even at church. When it comes to seeing how my family would act I get mixed results. I use things like how they react when they see someone who is gay on TV or a movie (the actor and/or character). When a news report on things like gay rights stuff. I know my mother would not react well. Today for example, we were watching the news and they did a story about the upcoming vote in North Carolina about the marriage ban in North Carolina. My Mother’s reaction was it is wrong that she had it marked in her bible where she claims it says it is wrong. For more information on what the Bible says see my previous post on the subject. The Bible, Christianity, & Homosexuality. My brother he sends very mixed signals. In one breath, he will tell a story about how he knew a gay guy where he use to work. Then go in to say he told him as long you keep his gay stuff to himself that they would have no problems. In the next breath, he will see actor Patrick Stewart that played Captain Jean-Luc Picard on Star trek the next generation and use words like faggot and such then commenting how he was not right for the role. I am really not sure how my Dad would react. My relationship with my Dad is ... well let us just say we never have had much interaction with each other. That was mainly do to the fact that my Dad is an alcoholic. Growing up he wasn't home much. He would leave early in the morning then sometimes he come home for supper but mostly he say he be home and not show till very late because he was at the Shrine club's bar drinking. In more recent years he and my mother have be "separated" with him basically living at his office. So I have no idea what his reaction would be. Needless to say I can not just tell one cause it would get around sooner or later and with me living right now and now way to get away from any Negativity I am better off them not knowing.
The Superpoints Network is a collection of sites where you can win and earn Superpoints™ that can be redeemed for great rewards. You can use the Superpoints Network with confidence. They're accredited by the Better Business Bureau and Truste, and many of their advertisers are brands you know and trust like The Gap, Target, and Macy's. I currently have three invites available so first come first serve but if they been used just send a message or comment and I will see about sending you one. Invite 1 Invite 2 Invite 3
Writing is not easy. Well it can be but I am fighting it. You see I am stuck on chapter 4, well what I call chapter 4 on the assumption each chapter must have at least 2,000 words, anyway the characters are going one way and I don’t want it to, but in the end the characters will win because it is their story. I will just have to find a way to deal and write it as it happened.
Before you say it they exist only in my head and not based on actual events any similarity is just a
Saw this vid and thought it would make a good blog topic. I am on the monogamy side. I wouldn’t be able to take seeing him be affectionate with another guy in the same way he is with me. It may sound strange but even after the relationship is over even if I was hurt when it ended, I can’t seem to handle seeing them with someone else it still affects me. I think it is because when I give my heart away a small piece remains and I still care.
I do not think his dream will be until we live in a nation where people are not be judged by their race, gender, nationality, creed or their sexual orientation but by the content of their character.
Lately I have been toying with posting the second chapter of the story I am working on. The reason is that the first chapter that I posted was sex heavy and while sex is in the story, it not centered on it. The story is centered on the relationship of the two guys and what happens to them during the story.
Dreams do not always stick with me.I had one this morning that did.I dreamed that somehow my mom found out that I was gay.She was holding me close to her.There was a guy there that I knew and had a crush on in High School.I don’t know why but my mother kept telling him to get away.The guy wouldn’t go and it was like he was sorry about something.I think he wanted to be with me because I remember we were talking and I was unsure about his sincerity. I needed reassurance that he was not tricking me.What happened after that I do not know because I woke up.
There is one date that brings up a wide range of things to people’s minds. Friday the 13th means bad luck, some good luck, and others a horror series of movies that is called Friday 13th centering around Jason Voorhees that goes around killing and is near impossible to stop.
A couple years ago I let my brother use my credit account with Dell so he could get a computer with him promising to pay it off as quick as he can but he either paid the bare minimum or nothing and rarely a little over minimum causing the interest to go up and making it harder to pay off basically what he owes write now you could buy a brand new computer. He acts like it is no big deal missing payments for him that may be true because it is not his credit that is being affected. Plus I am the one they call and yell at and with me out of work; money is more precious to me. I just don't know what to do it all just weighs so heavy on me makes me want to just give up on everything cause there is no point going on.
Today was being a nice day untill a few moments ago when my laptop got knocked over and this occurred
Now the only way I can do what I am right now is have my laptop hooked up to my TV which means if I am watching tv or playing a game on my PS3 I can't use my computer which I will hate and I don't have the money to get my laptop fixed or replaced because the cost is probably near about the same.
Been watching American Restorations on the History Channel and it so cool seeing them making old things look new and it made me think about a trunk I have that that I always wanted to get fixed up if I ever had the money and someone who could do it. I love this trunk no clue how old it is. It look so awesome all fixed up.
On-line why would someone want or need to know a guy's size (meaning cock size) most likely they won’t be seeing anything so why even ask such an unimportant question like that. Size really doesn't matter it is the guy it is attached to. I know in porn we all like to see a guy that has a big cock and all but unless you are just going out to get laid and then it is just about the sex. Cock size is not as important as society would have everyone believe at least in my opinion when you are looking for a significant other a life partner.
I think asking a guy their size is insulting unless you’re in a porn chat room and you’re asking the model otherwise there is no reason to ask and no reason anyone needs to know.
This is the vid that sparked this post because he asks for questions but no dumb ones like the "What is your size?" question