Wednesdays at church, we have been talking about the reason for God. With questions like why God allows suffering in the world and allow evil. I look at it all like this. Science and Religion have battled many times throughout recorded history mostly because religious figures feel there authority threatened by the knowledge science brings. I think science reveals God's awesomeness. Every branch of science that I can think of shows us His work and how thing did not come together by accident or by chance.
When it comes to creation vs. evolution, I do not think they clash at all. Every evolution theories about how it all started need the existence of God to work. For an example the Big Bang theory (not the TV show) the Universe was once in an extremely hot and dense state that expanded rapidly. Let us assume this is true where the hot dense universe came from. I believe this is how it all started that God started the big bang setting His plan into motion. Genius says the world was created in just 6 days with God resting on the seventh. How long is a day for God? 24 of our hours or billions of our years? Is the story in Genius just to help us to be able to even grasp what God did to bring the universe or just planet Earth into being?
With all that said it brings me to why there is evil and suffering. God gave us free will. God did not create "evil" it is the decisions of us the created. Suffering can be due to people’s choices or the choices of others that affect others.
Now why does God allow it if his loves use and is all-powerful? Well, God put a system in place that depend on one thing God is never wrong, God's word is a law, and there is no a loopholes. It is like in the movie Dogma even though it is meant to be funny and not to be taken seriously I think it sparked a thought. They makers of the movie hit on a truth maybe by accident. In the movie, two angels that God decreed for their punishment had to live on earth until the end of time and then have to sit outside heaven’s gate for eternity. In this movie, these angels found a loophole created by the Catholic Church at a re-dedication of a century-old church. With a Papal sanction, anybody who enters the church on the day of the re-dedication ceremony will have all their sins forgiven, and be given a morally clean slate. Well these two angels make the journey to a church where before entering they clip their wings off becoming human, enter the church, come out clean, and die and go to heaven. There by negating God's decree and in so doing all creation is winked out of existence.
All that said the reason God would allow suffering is because of rules He set in place at creation at to step in would throw the system out of wack or fall apart in some way. God did give us a way out by sending His Son to us and allowing Him to suffer and let us kill him because he loved us that much.
God created the universe and set it all up with the desired outcome when it is all said and done.
When it comes to creation vs. evolution, I do not think they clash at all. Every evolution theories about how it all started need the existence of God to work. For an example the Big Bang theory (not the TV show) the Universe was once in an extremely hot and dense state that expanded rapidly. Let us assume this is true where the hot dense universe came from. I believe this is how it all started that God started the big bang setting His plan into motion. Genius says the world was created in just 6 days with God resting on the seventh. How long is a day for God? 24 of our hours or billions of our years? Is the story in Genius just to help us to be able to even grasp what God did to bring the universe or just planet Earth into being?
With all that said it brings me to why there is evil and suffering. God gave us free will. God did not create "evil" it is the decisions of us the created. Suffering can be due to people’s choices or the choices of others that affect others.
Now why does God allow it if his loves use and is all-powerful? Well, God put a system in place that depend on one thing God is never wrong, God's word is a law, and there is no a loopholes. It is like in the movie Dogma even though it is meant to be funny and not to be taken seriously I think it sparked a thought. They makers of the movie hit on a truth maybe by accident. In the movie, two angels that God decreed for their punishment had to live on earth until the end of time and then have to sit outside heaven’s gate for eternity. In this movie, these angels found a loophole created by the Catholic Church at a re-dedication of a century-old church. With a Papal sanction, anybody who enters the church on the day of the re-dedication ceremony will have all their sins forgiven, and be given a morally clean slate. Well these two angels make the journey to a church where before entering they clip their wings off becoming human, enter the church, come out clean, and die and go to heaven. There by negating God's decree and in so doing all creation is winked out of existence.
All that said the reason God would allow suffering is because of rules He set in place at creation at to step in would throw the system out of wack or fall apart in some way. God did give us a way out by sending His Son to us and allowing Him to suffer and let us kill him because he loved us that much.
God created the universe and set it all up with the desired outcome when it is all said and done.
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