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Friday, March 2, 2012

Constitutional Marriage Amendments

Every time I hear about a Marriage amendment to a states constitution or to the US Constitution that seeks to define marriage as between one man and one woman it baffles me that anyone would be for it.  While some people believe that marriage is between one man and one woman that is their right.

 Let us look at the reason for the states constitutions, the US Constitution, and their amendments.  In the USA the constitution and every amendment has had one main purpose.  That purpose is to give and protect the rights of minority from being overridden or made second-class citizens by the majority
Now with that in mind re-examine marriage amendments and tell me how it does what our states constitutions, the US Constitution, and their amendments were meant to do.

I think you will find that these proposed Marriage Amendments do not do what states constitutions, the US Constitution, and their amendments were meant to that in fact they would do the exact opposite.

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