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Friday, January 27, 2012

Coming out and my Mother

You know I always hope that one day I could be out to everyone even my family.  I am basically out to friends and some even at church.  When it comes to seeing how my family would act I get mixed results.  I use things like how they react when they see someone who is gay on TV or a movie (the actor and/or character).  When a news report on things like gay rights stuff.  I know my mother would not react well.  Today for example, we were watching the news and they did a story about the upcoming vote in North Carolina about the marriage ban in North Carolina.  My Mother’s reaction was it is wrong that she had it marked in her bible where she claims it says it is wrong. For more information on what the Bible says see my previous post on the subject. The Bible, Christianity, & Homosexuality.  My brother he sends very mixed signals.  In one breath, he will tell a story about how he knew a gay guy where he use to work.  Then go in to say he told him as long you keep his gay stuff to himself that they would have no problems.  In the next breath, he will see actor Patrick Stewart that played Captain Jean-Luc Picard on Star trek the next generation and use words like faggot and such then commenting how he was not right for the role. I am really not sure how my Dad would react.  My relationship with my Dad is ... well let us just say we never have had much interaction with each other.  That was mainly do to the fact that my Dad is an alcoholic.  Growing up he wasn't home much.  He would leave early in the morning then sometimes he come home for supper but mostly he say he be home and not show till very late because he was at the Shrine club's bar drinking.  In more recent years he and my mother have be "separated" with him basically living at his office. So I have no idea what his reaction would be.  Needless to say I can not just tell one cause it  would get around sooner or later and with me living right now and now way to get away from any Negativity I am better off them not knowing.

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